5 Common Lawn Care Mistakes To Avoid

A lush, healthy lawn greatly enhances the beauty and enjoyment of any home. But it takes effort and know-how to achieve thick, green grass free of weeds and disease. Many homeowners unintentionally damage their lawns through improper mowing, watering, fertilization, and other care mistakes. Avoid these common errors and give your grass what it needs to thrive this season.

Our team at Andora Lawn Care has been providing expert care and organic mosquito control in Westchester County for over 15 years. We know firsthand how easily lawn health can be compromised by poor practices. Read on to learn our top tips for avoiding 5 common pitfalls that ruin lawns and require costly repairs down the road. With this advice, you can take proactive steps now to nurture the type of thick, resilient turf you’ve always wanted.

Mowing your lawn too short

It’s tempting to cut your grass very short to achieve a neat, tidy appearance. However, mowing your lawn too short stresses the grass and leaves it vulnerable to weeds, diseases, and drought damage. For most grass types, you should cut no more than 1/3 of the blade length per mowing session. This helps the grass develop deeper roots and retain moisture better. Letting grass grow slightly taller, around 3-4 inches, will also help shade out weeds. Be sure your mower blades are sharp to ensure a clean cut rather than ripping or tearing the grass blades.

Infrequent or excessive watering

Insufficient or irregular watering causes grass to enter dormancy to conserve moisture. This results in browning, thinning turf. On the other hand, watering too often leads to shallow roots and fungal diseases. Most lawns need about 1-1.5 inches of water per week from rain or irrigation. To avoid runoff, apply water slowly and deeply. Use a tuna can or rain gauge to measure sprinkler output and determine proper watering times. Water early in the morning to minimize evaporation loss. Adjust your schedule with rainfall amounts and avoid watering when not needed.

Poor drainage

Excess moisture is as detrimental to lawns as drought. Poor drainage due to compacted soil, thatch buildup, or improper grading causes water to puddle on your lawn after rain or irrigation. Standing water promotes fungal and bacterial diseases that damage grass. Improve drainage by aerating compacted areas, dethatching, or regrading areas that collect runoff. Choose grass varieties suitable for wet sites like fescues if drainage issues persist.

Clippings left on lawn

Letting grass clippings disperse over your lawn after mowing may seem like a time saver. However, too many clippings left on the lawn can smother grass by blocking sunlight and encouraging disease. Excess clippings also add to thatch buildup over time. For a healthy lawn, remove clippings or use a mulching mower to finely chop and scatter a thin layer. Never remove more than 1/3 of the total blade height when mowing. Proper mowing heights and frequencies will generate clippings that easily filter into the lawn without smothering it.

Improper fertilization

Applying too much fertilizer or the wrong formulation at the wrong time burns grass and leaches into water systems. Read labels thoroughly and follow recommendations for your turf type and season. Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients with less potential for damage or waste. Time applications appropriately, like just before the major seasonal growth phase. Avoid weed and feed products, as herbicide application timing probably won’t match optimal fertilizer timing. Fertilize based on soil test results whenever possible. Over-fertilization wastes money and can severely damage lawn health.

Get in touch with Andora Lawn Care for more lawn care tips!

Maintaining a flourishing lawn may seem complicated, but just remember the basics. Observe and adapt to your grass’ needs throughout the seasons. Precision in mowing, watering, fertilization, and other care is key. It also helps tremendously to choose grass varieties suitable for your climate and soil. If you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to call Andora Lawn Care.

Our team is ready to assess your lawn and create a customized care plan. We’ll monitor soil conditions, drainage, sunlight exposure and other factors that influence turf health. With our organic treatments and vigilant service, we can restore beauty and lushness to struggling lawns. Investing in professional care is the surest path to avoid pitfalls and achieve a yard you can be proud of all year-round. The health and resilience of your grass will tell you it was a wise investment. Get in touch with our team today!


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