Beginner’s Guide To Tick Control For Yards

No matter how thick and lush your lawn is, it’s impossible to enjoy time outdoors if mosquitos or ticks plague it. Insects can feel like an inevitable, unavoidable part of summer. But there are ways to protect your yard and home against nuisance and dangerous insects, including mosquitos and ticks. Keep reading for a beginner’s guide to tick control for yards and learn why insect prevention is so important for your family and property.

Ticks can transmit a range of diseases.

While the initial tick bite can be painful and annoying, the bigger threat is becoming sick or infected. Depending on the bacteria, viruses, or parasites a tick carries, those who are bit can get a variety of ailments that, if left untreated, cause long-term health problems. Tick bites can cause:

  • Lyme disease: a bacterial infection that causes facial paralysis and arthritis if left untreated
  • Anaplasmosis: another bacterial infection that can cause neurological issues
  • Babesiosis: those with Lyme disease are often diagnosed with Babesiosis as well.
  • Powassan virus disease

These are just a few of the dangerous infections ticks can cause. If a tick bites you, catching it and bringing it with you to a doctor can help identify the species and potential illnesses. Tick control lawn services are the best way to eliminate the risk of tick bites in your backyard.

How to reduce the risk of tick bites on your property

Thoughtful landscaping is one of the best ways to avoid a tick bite at home. With a bit of planning and regular lawn care, you can significantly reduce or eliminate the tick population in your yard.

Use wood chip barriers between grass and wooded areas.

A three-foot-wide barrier of wood chips or gravel can reduce the migration of ticks on properties that neighbor wooded areas. Especially if you have play areas in your yard, wood chip barriers can keep your family safe.

Mow your lawn regularly and rake leaves often.

Ticks prefer shaded areas, so weekly lawn mowing ensures sunlight reaches the soil beneath the grass. Regular lawn mowing also keeps your grass looking healthy as an added benefit. Clearing landscaping debris and dead leaves from your lawn during the late summer eliminates areas where ticks may gather.

Keep lawn furniture and wood piles clean and dry.

Shaded and moist areas are not only great places for ticks to hide but may attract rodents which are a food source for ticks. A tidy, sunny yard is one of the best safeguards against tick and mosquito infestation.

Hire a professional lawn service for tick control and protection.

Even when you do everything right, you may still have unwanted insect populations in your yard, including ticks and mosquitos. Andora Lawn Care offers professional pesticide treatments to kill bugs on contact and repel ticks for weeks to come.

Our standard protection service is a powerful chemical barrier that offers protection for up to four weeks. There is a brief waiting period after the treatment before people and pets can enjoy the yard.

We also offer organic lawn treatments that kill ticks, mosquitos, and other pests on contact. It will also act as a long-standing repellent to keep your yard pest-free. When you schedule a consultation with our team, we’ll offer our expertise and insight into which is the optimal product for your property and needs.

Andora Lawn Care helps you protect your yard and family with tick control in Larchmont, Mamaroneck, and New Rochelle.

Ticks and mosquitos aren’t just a nuisance; they carry disease that puts you and your family at risk. Instead of hiding indoors during the summer to avoid bug bites, contact Andora Lawn Care for safe, organic mosquito and tick control.

We work with homeowners exclusively in Larchmont, Mamaroneck, and New Rochelle. This restricted service area allows us to spend dedicated time assessing the condition of a lawn and then administering custom treatments to optimize the results. With our control and protection plans, you can get total peace of mind when you and your loved ones spend time in the yard, even during the peak of mosquito season.

Reach out to Andora Lawn Care to schedule a consultation and learn more about mosquito and tick control plans.


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