Your post-lawn restoration service maintenance checklist

Congratulations: your lawn is back! If you’ve just received professional lawn restoration services for your outdoor space, you’re likely already very familiar with how unpleasant it can be to have a decaying, unhealthy-looking lawn on your property. This space is a part of how visitors and other people passing by view your home, and if your lawn clearly isn’t cared for, it detracts from what otherwise may be a good-looking house.

Luckily, you’ve already gotten help to restore your lawn, and your home is sure to be brightened up with a healthy, vibrant green space. But in case you aren’t aware, this restoration service is only the beginning phase of your lawn’s healthy new life. To preserve it, you’re going to have to perform certain tasks to maintain it and consistently monitor your soil health to ensure you’re on the right track.

What exactly is needed from you when it comes to handling post-lawn restoration maintenance? First, you’ll need to regularly obtain certain items necessary for preserving the health of your soil and grass, particularly fertilizer and weed control products. From there, you’ll need to set a regular schedule of maintenance tasks that you can stick to consistently. Finally, as time goes on, you’ll need to occasionally test your soil.

Buy the items you’ll regularly need

There are a number of resources you’ll need to handle your routine lawn care tasks. In terms of appliances, there’s a good chance you already have what you need. A lawn mower, of course, is necessary to control your grass growth and allow it to absorb as much moisture and as many nutrients as possible. You may also find it useful to invest in a sprinkler system to regularly supply your lawn with water.

There’s one type of item you’ll need to buy repeatedly as it’s used up over the course of your routine lawn care duties: fertilizer. The type of fertilizer you get will depend on the particular needs of the dominant grass variety in your lawn, but you may also want to acquire a lawn spreader as an additional tool to help you evenly spread your fertilizer throughout your lawn. Spreaders come as either “drop” spreaders or “broadcast” spreaders.

Set a regular maintenance schedule

When you have everything you need to handle the maintenance needs of your lawn, you’ll also need to establish a regular schedule for those tasks. To make some of the steps necessary for the well-being of your lawn as effective as possible, they’ll have to be performed at certain optimal times. If you have a sprinkler system installed, for instance, you may find it best to activate it early in the morning two or three times per week.

Many parts of your schedule may focus on factors related to day-to-day timing, but there are also timing considerations you may want to take into account on a seasonal basis, as well.Mowing your lawn, for example, is something you should do on a weekly basis during the spring and summer months in particular, but mowing early in the evening may also help moisturize your grass.

Periodically test your soil

Even if you’re seemingly doing everything right, there could be issues degrading the health of your lawn that you aren’t aware of. You don’t need to test your soil more than once every 3-5 years, but when you do, professional testing is recommended.

In addition to the above steps, you can have your lawn professionally monitored by Andora Lawn Care for up to one year after receiving lawn restoration services. Schedule an appointment to get started now, or if you have more questions, feel free to contact us!


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